Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pregnancy 1: Edward's Arrival

After 37.5 weeks being pregnant, there was one thing I wanted badly, was to be un-pregnant ASAP. The pressure on the pelvic, the trouble sleeping, the backache, and many more had my pregnancy physically unpleasant and worrying.

Baby's initial estimated due date was 2nd november, however doctor diagnosed me with short cervix, which means I wouldn't be able to make it full term to the date (last post: preterm labor threat) Therefore, hubby flew in early to anticipate earlier labor than the estimated date. So here we were waited and waited on week 36 onwards for his arrival with the help of tons of medicine and hormone injections.

After waited for a week or so, all of us (inclusive my family) were getting impatient and over anxious for baby arrival. Many suggested me to walk more to induce the labor naturally. Some readings suggested yoga. Some even said eating spicy food may help. So out of desperation & over-anxiety, I did try all the above mentioned.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2011
I was silently wishing that baby might be out on that day because 15 is always special day for both hubby and me. My mom suggested us to go to temple and pray for smooth delivery. We went and I was joking about how I will give birth the day after because the Goddess of Mercy had heard my prayers.
When dinner time arrived, hubby suggested me to walk the long way to our dinner place. May I add, the long way is also an incline pathway for disabled or cycles. It's a long slow walk but it sure triggered the contraction the day after

Sunday, 16 Oct 2011
I can still remember vividly every single details of the day. I woke up around 0730 and found that my water might have  broken. I was hesitating if I should wake hubby up because I was unsure if it's the case. Finally, I woke him up and he was surprised cum unprepared for the morning news.
Pain level: 1/10

We rushed to TMC immediately with my mom and younger sister too. I was still bubbly, goofy and excited about the labor. We bumped into Lilian, a lactation consultant whom my elder sister always brag about. She wished me smooth delivery and there we off to the admission counter. As of then, I could feel the water stream was getting stronger. Pain level: 2/10

We were then told to proceed to labour ward. And coincidentally my gynae Dr. W.K. Tan was also there, perhaps there was another mother delivering too under her care. 16 Oct must be a hot date for delivery. The observation room was actually full house. There was no bed for me! Dr. W.K Tan swiftly asked one of the nurse to guide me to delivery room. So, I wasn't kept at the cramped observation room for waiting. Instead, I was placed at a spacious delivery room to wait for full dilation.

Doctor then checked my dilation, and informed I was actually 1.5cm dilated. She was pretty sure that I should be able to deliver before dinner (another 8hours to go). At that point of time, pain was minimum and bearable. I was texting friends, joked around with my nervous hubby.
Pain level: 3/10

At noon time, a sharp continuous pain started to attack. A severe menstrual cramp like. And I know this was going to get crazier. Nurse informed me that I was 5cm dilated. I shouted for epidural after laughing gas failed to comfort me
Pain level: 100/10

By the time the anaesthetist came, the pain was intense. Honestly, I just wanted the needle to go in fast and end the pain. The pain level was 1000/10, but when the epidural went in,... It is all fine! Happidural as the nurse said

At 1600, I was fully dilated. After pushing for an hour, doctor finally vacuumed baby out of me and baby Edward was born.

I can remember vividly Edward's look and cry when he was just born. Couldn't help myself but crying for the happiness too. He was a tiny baby but cried loudly.

Was eversince blessed with his arrival and enjoying watching him grow up.

That's how God send me my little angel