Friday, 10 Sep 2011
I woke up with pretty unusual pressure on my left hip. I figured it must have been the side sleeping posture that caused it. Told my mom about it, read some books and articles about it and concluded that it was just part of the pregnancy parcels.
I was supposed to attend my afternoon yoga class held at Tanglin mall, but after many consideration, i decided to miss the class. (wise decision, now i think back)
Saturday, 11 Sep 2011
Couldn't manage to sleep till 1 am morning as the hip pain was getting from bad to worse. Finally found peace by sleeping while sitting upright. However, woke up at 4am as i felt minor frequent contraction on my lower abdomen. I suspected it as braxton hicks or any other false alarm, however, boy it is getting stronger. I decided that i must go to my gynae the first thing in morning before other patient reaches, and couldn't put my mind to sleep anymore.
Thank God that my younger sister was off work that Saturday and managed to company me to clinic. We rushed to the clinic and was the first one checking in (winner!). But wait, nurse told us, Dr WK Tan was on leave and only be back by the next day. As I told them, I had this contraction, nurse directed me to the 2nd floor for observation right away. I was attached to a machine which tracks my foetal heartbeat and contraction.
The result was brought to Dr Benjamin Tham, and I thought to myself this will be just a procedure where he will say.."don't worry, nothing is wrong" but turned out, he told me that he will admit me for a day for monitoring and steroids injection. This is because I am experiencing cervix shortening and may deliver the baby by the next day. I was flabbergasted.
I was immediately bombarded with lotsa medicine to stabilise uterus contraction and all. I was still dumbfounded that I might be delivering my baby by the next day. Hubby was rushing to Singapore as well as my parents. I was injected with 2 steroids injection to mature baby's lung and bombarded with medicine and monitoring device to make sure no more contractions happening before I could be discharged
Sunday, 12 Sep 20011
Dr WK Tan finally is back, although it was Sunday. She visited me and ensured me that everything was under control and I was discharged. However, I was to meet her again few days later to monitor the pregnancy. I was also put under bedrest (of course, with toilet exception)
After my meeting with Dr WK Tan, she told me that I might be born with short cervix. This means she is almost positive, my pregnancy will end up as preterm labor. However, as long as I can keep the baby inside until 36 weeks, it should be fine, she said.
I'm praying hard that baby will be fine and calm until week 36. This is to ensure that he can be treated like a normal baby instead of admitted to NICU.
Please pray for me and baby...
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